Our CSA provided another first for our household. I was very excited to see blue hubbard squash in our pick-up and immediately began my research. Yes, I could bake a pie, but as I have said numerous times, baking is not my forte. My refrigerator was packed with items I could use, so here is my version of a Blue Hubbard Squash Casserole with an Italian twist. It's earthiness came at a good time with plenty of rain in our forecast. I always love comfort food during foul weather.
Blue Hubbard Squash Casserole
2 Small Blue Hubbard Squash
Olive Oil
2 Shallots - minced
1/2 Cup celery - minced
2 Carrots - shredded
ThymeSalt & pepper
1 Cup Farro
3 Cups water
1 Cup mozzarella - shredded
1/2 Cup panko bread crumbs
Cut the squash in half, lengthwise. Brush the cut side with olive oil and bake cut side down on a sheet pan at 350 for 30 - 45 minutes depending on the size. Take one cup farro, rinse well and put in a heavy pan with three cups of water. Cook on a low boil for 15 minutes. 
In a saute pan, cook the celery, carrots and shallots in olive oil. Add minced herbs. Clean out squash from shell and add with the farro to the vegetables and place into a casserole dish. Take the mozzarella and mix well, add a light layer of panko bread crumbs on the top and bake for 15 minutes.
Farro (FAHR-oh) is an old grain from the Middle East that is now grown primarily in Italy. I used the organic Italian pearled farro by Earthly Delights. This is a great side dish and would also be a great vegetarian meal along side a salad.
Now that Fall is here, these are great meals for our soul. This dish will comfort you and keep you all warm and cozy. Go ahead, give it a try.
wow great recipe for fall