Collard Greens - Do you know what they are and have you ever eaten them? I never tasted the large green leafy vegetable, but need to say right here, right now that I will definitely eat them again. I searched and searched recipes in order to find one that jumped out at me and soon realized that many had some sort of pork or bacon included in the ingredients.
So off to the store I go looking for a pork butt and found one easy enough. That pork would be the center of my meal, working in the produce from our farm share. I have to say that dinner came out much better than anticipated. Jim loved it and kept talking about all the flavors he tasted in every bite. That's a big thing coming from him!
I purchased a 4lb pork butt and sliced it in about one inch slices and then browned in olive oil over high heat.
I then removed the pork along with most of the oil, leaving a couple of tablespoons, sliced five shallots and sauteed them for five minutes.
Now for the collard greens!
I cleaned both the collard greens and swiss chard and removed them from their rib. I rolled them up and cut into small pieces. In the pan I cooked bacon and once done I cut it in smaller pieces and also added a sliced garlic scape, a sliced scallion and two teaspoons of sugar. Next went a good splash of champagne wine vinegar, two cups of chicken broth along with salt and pepper to taste. I covered that pan with foil, but not totally covering and let it cook on medium heat for 30 minutes.
This meal was, as Jim said, very tasty and satisfying. I am, however, hoping to find ways to make meals with our vegetables each week using less meat. I guess I'm a creature of habit, but working on it...
I have a few more vegetables before this week is out. See you tomorrow!
Fino a quel momento (until that time)
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